SmartCover Systems is a leader in providing monitoring solutions for water and wastewater applications.
SmartCover© Systems offers cost-effective satellite manhole monitoring solutions to eliminate sewer overflows, optimize collection system cleaning, minimize odorous H2S gas, and accurately identify inflow and infiltration (I&I). Our comprehensive dashboard with alarms and notifications allows you to efficiently manage real-time data to enhance performance, reduce costs, and optimize resources.
Unlock the Secrets of Your Sewer System with
This Game-Changing Satellite Monitoring Solution
Gain system insights wherever you are, whenever you need it.
SmartCover® Systems offers cost-effective satellite manhole monitoring solutions to eliminate sewer overflows, optimize collection system cleaning, minimize odorous H2S gas, and accurately identify inflow and infiltration (I&I)
The comprehensive dashboard with alarms and notifications allows you to efficiently manage real-time data to enhance performance, reduce costs, and optimize resources.
Uninterrupted visibility of the system reduces risks, avoids damages and fees, and encourages efficiency.
No confined space entry and in-shop installation limit field resources and safety hazards.
Real-Time Satellite Infrastructure Monitoring Solutions
With a keen focus on customers’ gaining collection system visibility, our water “internet of things” solutions are achieved with remote sensor systems continuously measuring, acquiring, and communicating data via advanced satellite communications. As a result, customers have 24/7 access to data and advanced analytics via the cloud through a unique user interface.
Protecting Public Health
A successful sewer system protects water quality and public health. However, activities such as extreme weather events; fats, oils, and grease (FOG) blockages; and increased inflow and infiltration (I&I) can result in sewer spills—endangering our environment and our communities and costing utilities millions of dollars.
I & I Assessment
Maintain the Proper H2S Levels
Bio-reactions within a collection system generate Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), which not only causes strong odors, but it can also corrode pipelines over time, leading to reduced durability and strength.
H2S Monitoring
Inflow & Infiltration
SmartCover© can help you identify specific areas within your collection system that are affected by high levels of inflow and infiltration (I&I). I&I can result in capacity constraints, sewer overflows, and wasted energy in pumping and treating higher volumes of dilute wastewater..
Overflow Prevention
System Cleaning Optimization
SmartClean Provides Distinct Advantages
The conventional practice of regularly scheduled collection system cleaning is typically based on a history and/or perceived risk of spills. While high-frequency cleaning may lower instances of sanitary sewer overflows, it carries a substantial operational cost with demands on personnel and equipment.
Manhole Intrusion Detection
Manhole Intrusion Detection
SmartCover© provides you the ability to detect authorized—or unauthorized—opening of manholes. Our tamper trigger generates a real-time alarm to field staff when intrusion occurs, so they can then take the appropriate action. The technology allows you to provide proof of operations, as well as combat such issues as illegal dumping, vandalism, and other security issues.
CSO Monitoring
A Multi-Faceted Approach
Municipalities with combined sewer systems often find themselves struggling to meet regulatory requirements while staying within budget restrictions. SmartCover’s real-time Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) monitoring provides real-time, event-driven information on the CSO start and stop time, instantaneous overflow rates, and total volume.
StormWater Monitoring
Real-Time Monitoring
SmartCover© provides real-time, remote level and flow monitoring for storm and surface water applications. With the integration of layered data such as rain, tide, and river, a composite picture of cause and effect is available.
Lift Station Monitoring
Lift Station Backup
When gravity flow isn’t possible, utilities rely on lift stations to pump wastewater or sewage material from a lower elevation to a higher elevation. Because lift stations are powered by electricity, sewer spills happen if they go down.